Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines are prepared from various natural sources and prepared through a very special pharmacological process called potentization or drug dynamization. Potentization is a unique method of preparation of drugs which brings out the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances. At the end of this process the medicinal substance is get reduced which helps to avoid side effects and at the same time, the latent (hidden) curative properties of the drug substance is aroused. Homeopathic medicines are proved on human beings and not on animals.

During homeopathic treatment, medicines are generally given in potentized form and administered in a very minute / nano dose, which guarantee the absence of toxicity, side effects and treat the body gently by revitalizing body's own immune mechanism. Thus homeopathic medicines are safe for all including newborn babies, pregnant women, breast - feeding mothers and babies, elderly patients as well as for those patients who have delicate health or extreme sensitivity toward various substances (Allergies).

Some of the other benefits and advantages of homeopathy includes, Holistic approach, cost - effectiveness, easy administration, free from side effects, child - friendliness, no contraindication during entire pregnancy, used along with other forms and other system of medications, and the treatment can be started any time during the course of the disease.