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About Devangi Pathak

Devangi Pathak is certified yoga instructor and professionally trained classical Homeopathic Practitioner since a decade. She found her interest in yoga at the age of 16 when doing yoga, meditation and healing training in Gujarat, India. While she was doing this particular training, she quickly realized that this is something she wanted to pursue. Her interest in classical Yoga and philosophy quickly grew. Adding on to her new found interest in yoga, she continued practicing Ancient hindu culture, chanting vedic (sanskrit) mantra with mala and meditation.

She has incorporated yoga and meditation into her daily living and finds joy in educating others about the mental, therapeutic, physical and spiritual benefits of the practice. You will love the energy and spirit that Devangi brings to her class. Not just because of who she is but because of who she wants the rest of us to be, our true essential selves. She believes that only by giving we gain what truly matters. She is a founder of Healthfirsthomeopathy, a guide for holistic ways of healing your body. She strongly believes that health is a state of complete body, mind and emotional well being. She has been serving in the healthcare community through the practice of yoga, meditation and homeopathy.

She aims to encourage her class to deepen their understanding of yoga asana within a nurturing, caring, and safe environment. Also to impart a feeling of being in acquiesce with your body and mind.

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Yoga means ‘JOIN OR UNITY’. Purpose of yoga is to unite all parts of the oneself as body, mind and soul.which unite oneself to the inner consciousness and awareness!

Yoga helps people to reconnect to their mind an emotion to their body through breathing and asanas.

Yoga helps in total harmony within yourself and your environment. Yoga is the practice of one's mind and body. The various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation/relaxation. Physical Discipline is a crucial part of Yoga. Postures or Asanas, Pranayama or Breathwork, and Meditative Awareness form the physical aspect of yoga, which are groundwork for the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga. In our yoga classes, posture is taken importantly, and we spend time to correct each person’s posture to allow for proper alignment and strengthening.

Devangi Pathak


Hatha Class

Hatha Yoga, practiced by the ancient Rishis and sages among all the systems of physical exercises, stands unrivaled and unique. It is the most perfect system of yoga for any age group to practice. It helps to tone and energize the brain, muscles, nerves, organs and tissues of the body.

Hatha class is perfect to concentrate on breathing and meditation also enhances strength, flexibility, and balance with slow in and out from each pose.

Vinyasa Class

Vinyasa Flow yoga emphasizes the sequential movement between postures, coordinated with and guided by deliberate breath. The Vinyasa practice becomes a moving meditation that creates strength, freedom and fluidity in the body and mind.

integrating breath, awareness, and alignment, we will build heat and prepare the body for fully experiencing deep relaxation.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a quiet, grounding practice that targets the connective tissues of the body - the fascia, the ligaments and the tendons. Yin Yoga is a more meditative approach with a physical focus that is much deeper than most yoga practices. Postures are held for 3 - 5 minutes but may be held longer to all the muscular system to completely relax, providing access to the deeper layers of the body.

Yin concentrates on the connective tissues of the body, providing gentle pressure and therapeutic stress to ligaments and tendons, encouraging regeneration on a cellular level.Yin yoga is a wonderful way to maintain flexibility, circulation and focus. Great for all levels.

Gentle / Restorative Flow

Gentle classes are defined by their accessibility to nearly everyone. The pacing of the gentle classes is mindful and slow, allowing time to move from one posture to the next or simply stay where you are if that is what your body is asking for on a particular day. Options to go a little deeper may be offered if you’re looking for a deeper stretch, but the foundation of a gentle class is to provide a safe place to cultivate inner peace. No experience is necessary for any gentle practice.A slower and gentler practice of yoga allows a person to move at a comfortable pace, does not push them to do anything that may make them uncomfortable, and creates less strain on their muscles and joints.

Gentle yoga can be practiced by just about anyone, regardless of age or physical condition. It is especially great for people with injuries, pain, mobility or health issues. A gentle yoga practice is a great choice for anyone who is afraid they are not flexible or fit enough to do the yoga poses.

Stress Relief

This class offers tools to reduce stress, improve health, and maximize energy by stimulating the body’s natural relaxation response.

Proven techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, guided meditation and yoga postures are incorporated in this one-hour journey to relaxation.


A restorative guided meditation, Yoga Nidra translates to Yogic Sleep, allowing for deeply profound relaxation. It is practiced in savasana, lying on the back and can be 40 - 60 minutes long.

A Yoga Nidra class will begin with minimal, gentle movements seated or reclined, to help release any stiffness before becoming still. When it is incorporated into the end of another class, it is typically 20 - 30 minutes in length.

Private Class

Private yoga lessons are specifically designed to meet your needs and to help you maximize the benefits of your yoga practice. You will meet with your instructor to discuss your health goals, any injuries or physical limitations and together you will create a strategy for your private lessons.

Private lessons are used for a variety of reasons. Many people prefer one-on-one instruction when just starting their practice, while others use private lessons to improve on their alignment, learn about the philosophy of yoga, or learn modifications after an injury or surgery.

Corporate Yoga

Our corporate yoga deals with related issues on overall wellness :

Physical Wellness

Intellectual Wellness

Emotional Wellness

Social Wellness

Cultural Wellness

Occupational Wellness

Environmental Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Kids Yoga

If yoga is taught specially for the minds and bodies of young children, it can become 'children's yoga' - meaning it can help them achieve the benefits of focus and attention, but in a 'kid's way.' like Imaginative stories are some of the best ways to teach yoga to kids. A trip through the jungle, etc, are a perfect way to incorporate doing the poses as you journey onwards.

Benefits of Kids Yoga :

Teach kids yoga to improve their physical health and bodies

Yoga helps kids learn to focus

Yoga helps kids to learn to calm down

Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga

Keeps allergies and viruses at bay

Builds muscle strength

Develop body awareness

Learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way

Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement

Build concentration

Increase their confidence and positive self-image

Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group

Have an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronic devices

  • Patel Healthcare LLC


    "Yoga for life", is really great place to be for your mental and physical well-being. Devangi's tailored yoga practice is a great fusion of strength, flow, breathing, relaxation, and meditation techniques. Her classes are always feels very creative, thoughtful, and unique each time, and I love the way she weave yoga philosophy into each class. I love my weekly sessions and always looking forward to it. Her space is the perfect, safe, filled with positivity, and great energy. I also respect the way that she honor the role of teacher and student. I feel more aligned, stronger, in-tuned with my mind and body, and feels more energetic and focused. I highly recommend each one to try at "Yoga for life", including Kids.

  • Tiffiny Vicente


    Great place and love the teacher's vibe, feels rejuvenating every time. I am very happy that I chose Yoga for life studio to improve my psychological and physical health. Devangi is an amazing instructor, she helped me get into deeper poses with better alignment. She is very patient and communicates very well which is critical to everyone's safety and success to achieve maximum yoga benefits. Truly benefited from regular yoga classes, will continue and will definitely recommend to others. Also great place for beginners and kids as well.

  • Donna Sotelo


    Ms. Devangi's yoga techniques helped me improve my strength, balance and flexibility. It also helped me relive my chronic back pain which I suffered for years since my pregnancy (epidural injection). Yoga also helps me relax, manage my stress, and improve my quality of sleep. I only experienced benefits since I started at "Yoga for life". Highly recommend this place, the instructor is awesome and knows many holistic approaches including Homeopathy.